terhadap Vaksin dan Obat-obatan
secara Elektronik (SMILE)
Kelola Limbah Medis
Vaksin dan Obat-obatan

SMILE is an Electronic Immunization and Logistics Monitoring System. SMILE utilizes information technology and available infrastructure to monitor vaccine management resources and immunization programs. SMILE helps health workers record and monitor vaccine orders, distribution and logistics in real-time.
Developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health and UNDP, SMILE is gradually being used in all health facilities, at the central, provincial, district and community health centers throughout Indonesia.
With SMILE, it is hoped that the Ministry of Health, Health Services and Community Health Centers will have accurate data so that they can guarantee the availability of logistics (no shortage or excess) when needed, and be able to maintain quality, from production to target.
SMILE Main Program
SMILE Offers
Accurately Managing Vaccine Inventory
Monitoring Vaccine Distribution
Monitoring Vaccine Storage Temperature
Storing Vaccine Storage Data
Automatically Preparing Periodic Reports
Those Helped by the SMILE
Accurately Manages Vaccine Inventory
Monitors Vaccine Distribution
Monitors Vaccine Storage Temperature
Stores Vaccine Storage Data
Upcoming Event
Soft Launching SATUSEHAT Logistik – October 2024
Pemerintah Indonesia bertujuan untuk mempercepat pencapaian nasional dalam menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan universal, terjangkau, dan setara bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital. Hal ini tercantum dalam Cetak Biru Strategi Kesehatan Digital Indonesia termasuk untuk menerapkan manajemen rantai pasok vaksin, obat-obatan, dan produk kesehatan dari tingkat pusat hingga titik layanan kesehatan. Melalui pilar Transformasi Teknologi […]
Workshop/Launching DGDecree on SMILE for Health Care Waste Management, and Socialization on SMILE for Waste Management to Government Hospitals
To support the Government of Indonesia in improving and optimizing medical waste management through an electronic system, UNDP Indonesia and the MoH is committed to helping develop an efficient, integrated, and user-friendly management information system. ME-SMILE (Medical Waste in SMILE) is developed as a system that aimsfor better and timely monitoring with accurate recording in […]